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Kucing Menghidapi SPORO

Sporotrichosis, nama penyakit yang diberi sempena nama fungalnya Sporothrix sp. Penyakit ini juga lebih dikenali sebagai sporo secara ringkasnya. Penyakit ini sangat common dan paling kerap terkena kepada haiwan peliharaan, terutamanya kucing.

Macam mana kucing boleh terkena penyakit sporo? apa yang menyebabkan kucing terkena sporo?

Berdasarkan apa yang aku baca dari beberapa artikel, fungi Sporothrix ni tinggal di dalam tanah. Jika kucing bermain2 dekat area tu, akan mudah terkena. Fungi ni boleh ditransfer melalui udara, jadi ia boleh berjangkit sama ada melalui pernafasan (hidung) ataupun open cut (luka2 di badan kucing). Senang cerita, kebanyakan kucing terkena penyakit sporo melalui pergaduhan sesama kucing yang dah ada penyakit sporo.

Penyakit ini sangatlah mudah berjangkit, termasuklah boleh merebak kepada manusia. Sebab itu penyakit ini digelar sebagai "Zoonotic", ia mampu menjangkiti manusia dengan senang sama ada melalui sentuhan atau pun cakaran daripada kucing.

Nak dijadikan cerita, beberapa minggu lepas, aku perasan kucing aku ni macam selesema. Asyik bersin je, lepastu hidung dia macam bengkak dan berair. Asalnya, aku tak buat apa-apalah sebab ingatkan tu selesema biasa je. Rupa-rupanya, apabila dibiar, semakin parah!

Sampai dah ade darah sikit-sikit, aku terus panik. Ajak mak ke pusat haiwan, nak consult.

Vet bagitahu

"Kucing awak ni dah kena SPORO. Penyakit ni memang takde penawar yang khusus lagi setakat ni untuk kucing. Penyakit ini juga boleh berjangkit dengan manusia, jadi saya sarankan awak matikan kucing ni (put to sleep, PTS) ataupun buang je kucing ni jauh-jauh supaya tidak berjangkit dengan binatang-binatang lain"


Like seriously? Kau nak aku bunuh dia sebab dia sakit? Kau nak aku buang dia sebab dia berjangkit? Yes, aku tahu, it is considerable untuk kucing dimatikan atau dibuang atas impak-impak yang diberi. Tapi cuba fikir kalau dia manusia, your suggestions would be different. Memang mostly orang lain boleh senang je cakap nak PTS kucing, tapi bila kau di tempat aku, I don't think you would. I would rather tengok dia mati sendiri daripada aku 'matikan' dia.

Maaf terlampau emo.

Waktu tu dah dilema, I was speechless. Tanya banyak kali vet tu, then akhirnya, dia cakap, ada cara dia nak sembuhkan penyakit ni, awak kena pergi consult dengan klinik ni (dia bagi alamat).

Tanpa membuang masa, aku dan mak aku terus pergi ke klinik tu.

SKIP cerita panjang----

Isteri kepada doktor tu seorang pencinta haiwan, dia buka pusat haiwan yang personal and dia pernah bantu beberapa orang merawat kucing yang menghidapi sporo.

Dia bagi 3 jenis ubat kepada aku, kesemuanya berjumlah RM50+

Ni non-steroid anti-fungal. First time tengok ubat ni. Selama ni beli yang murah RM15 tu je, yang tu steroid based yang mana akan lagi me'neruk'kan keadaan kucing. This one RM30+, safer and much more effective kata akak tu.

Ni ubat hati, aku tak beberapa faham fungsi dia. Tapi rasanya untuk elakkan hati dia rosak kot sebab consume ubat dekat bawah. Kena bagi 5ml cepat2 tiap kali bagi ubat dekat bawah

Ubat ni kena bagi kucing separuh kapsul sehari. Means that 1 kapsul tahan 2 hari.

Setelah 2 minggu berlalu, kucing aku dah hampir nak sembuh, tapi stok ubatnya dah habis! Waktu tu, aku skip bagi dia ubat selama 3 hari. Penyakit dia terus datang balik, and lagi PARAH!

Ni gambar terkini dia dekat bawah.

Aku panik gila, tapi tak boleh buat apa-apa sebab masalah kewangan. Aku memang nak bantu, tapi aku pelajar, sekarang dah cuti, duit elaun asasi pun dah kering. Adik beradik semua suggestkan untuk PTS je (well, dalam keluarga aku, tak ade sape pun minat kucing like I do). Tak boleh salahkan mereka, sebab minat setiap orang lain-lain.

Aku buat keputusan untuk cari dana online. Aku bukak beberapa website pencinta kucing, I have emailed them, tapi tak dapat maklum balas. Mungkin mereka tak beri bantuan dekat kucing yang dibela kot.

Aku cuba post tweet supaya orang boleh cadangkan aku pusat-pusat pencinta kucing yang dapat bantu aku untuk mohon dana. Alhamdulillah, tweet itu diviralkan oleh pencinta-pencinta kucing terutamanya bujibu chempel, bulu-bulu kehidupan dan banyak lagi, dan mendapat sambutan. Ada beberapa orang datang PM (private message) aku di twitter untuk menyumbang sumbangan diorang secara personal. Aku rasa terharu sangat, di saat aku kesusahan, ade orang datang which are strangers to me come to help me HELPING THE CAT.

Mungkin ni rezeki kucing. Yes, I think I made the right choice to treat him and God eased me in getting the fund to buy the meds.

Dengan duit hasil orang derma tu, aku berjaya beli sangkar (untuk kurung kucing buat sementara waktu), ubat-ubatan dia. Sekarang tengah mencari collar neck, (nak elakkan dia cakar luka di hidung). Masih lagi tak jumpa saiz yang sesuai untuk kucing aku.

'Rumah dua tingkat'. Asalnya nak beli yang sekotak plain je, tapi takut dia tercampur dengan najis2 nanti, takut makin parah. Kalau dua tingkat, at least dia boleh tidur dekat atas.

Bekas makanan dan minuman

'Pasir' untuk najis dia nak elakkan bau busuk

Makanan kucing

Terima kasih once again kepada sesiapa yang derma, aku doakan supaya hidup kamu semua dipermudahkan oleh tuhan, dan semoga tuhan membalas kebaikan kamu terhadap haiwan mulia ini (kucing).

Kepada pembaca, tolong doakan sekali kucing aku. Hopefully he is strong enough to survive this challengging fatal disease.

Dekat bawah, aku sertakan beberapa cebisan artikel yang mana boleh membuka mata kepada sesiapa yang mempunyai kucing yang menghidapi SPORO untuk teruskan merawat instead of 'mercy killing'.

The Cat Condition:Sporo has spread to all over his body. His right front leg (paw) was the worst and the private vet even suggested to have it amputated (the surface flesh has already been consumed by this fungal and they are spreading fast). Left front leg has also sporo wound, both hind legs condition were also quite serious. His tail has quite a lot of wounds too (at least 45 to 50%), he is not neutered and his testicles look like going to fall off. Both the side below of his ears have also large sporo wounds. There were around 10 to 13 minor wounds around his body. Prior coming to my home, I was told that there was blood in his sneeze and which the private vet suggested that the sporo might have gone into his nasal system.
Med:The cat is given Sporanox (by the vet). Upon researching, we also give him Liver52, Transfer Factor, Colloidal Silver, multivets and most importantly terbenafine (cream).
In our case here, the vet prescribed a dosage of 1/2 tablet of sporonox per day. To boost his immune system, he is fed two capsules of T-Factor daily (one each time). We also feed him colloidal silver and multivits as we noticed that he licked the cement floor.Someone I met in an online forum told me to open up the T-Factor capsule and sprinkle the power around the cat wounds. We also did this initially but we don’t think that it would work as his condition was very serious.
This is important:Initially, we were looking to buy Potassium iodite (ki) but soon we learnt that this drug has been banned in Malaysia at least for commercial use. And so we opt to terbenafine (cream) which we apply to all his wounds, twice a day – he is put on a collar to prevent him from licking the cream. [There are two brands of terbenafine in the market, at least that of we are aware of – we are using the original brand Lamisil, costs RM27.50 a tube from Caring pharmacy]. We could notice that the wounds were showing signs of recovery in just less than two days. The wounds started to dry and those dead cells (skin/meat) were dropping off. Less than two weeks later, his tail has fully recovered, his testicles are back in shape, those minor wounds have all gone now, fur has started to grow on his front paw (which the vet recommend to have it amputated). He has stopped sneezing blood.
The day he first came to us, he had no energy at all, he just sat quitely at the corner of the cage but now he is so active that he wants to stay out of the cage all the time and cry to let him out. Luckily we quarantine him in an alternative bathroom (which we stopped using for this purpose) and let him roam around. We can’t say about what happens to those sporo sign in his system, the only way to make sure is to bring him to a vet for checkup. Note that not all external wounds are cured especially the front paw.
* On top of that, we also fed him with Great Compassionate Water (obtained from a Buddhist prayer ceremony). The same person from the forum told me that with the Right, MED, PATIENCE, CARING and LOVE, the cat will definitely recover.
That’s it. We nursed Wong Wong (that’s his name) and he recovered in just one month. He’s back with his owner now.

1 comment:

watie abdul said...

assalamualaikum boleh tolong saya bgitau nama klinik dan mana nak dpt ubat tu???

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