Apa kamu semua buat pada Hari Ibu ? Mesti ucap / buat card / raikan / kasi hadiah dekat ibu korang masing-masing bukan ? Apa tujuan buat semua tu ? Untuk menghargai beliau, good !
First Azhunk nak beritahu dulu. Kalian tahu tak macam mana wujudnya hari ibu ? Hari ibu ni wujud untuk menghargai seorang "ibu" iaitu mariam kalau tak silap, ibu kepada Nabi Isa A.S. Hari ibu juga bertarikh sama dengan tarikh ibu Nabi Isa dilahirkan. Kalau ade kaitan ngan Nabi Isa, mesti Jesus kan ? Jesus berkait dengan kristian. Jadi perayaan hari Ibu ni perayaan agama Kristian.
Tapi Azhunk rasa tak salah kita nak raikan pada hari yang specific untuk ibu. Tapi pada hari lahir ibu korang, korang raikan tak ? Baguslah kalau yang raikan untuk mengenang jasa.
Tetapi sebagai seorang anak, tak perlu lah nak raikan 1 kali setahun. Maknanya kita kenang jasa mereka dalam 1 hari saja dalam setahun. Alangkah sekejap je tu ? Jadi kalau korang betul2 menghargai ibu korang, raikanlah setiap hari :) Appreciate her everyday. Buat perkara yang disenangi beliau, jangan kecilkan hati beliau. Ada faham ?
Haritue, pada sehari selepas hari ibu kalau tak silap, Azhunk ade buat satu ayat... Panjang jugak lah khas untuk my mum. ;)
Mum, today is the mother’s day. I know, we as a muslim do not celebrate mother’s day for a specific day, but we have to celebrate and appreciate a person who had given birth us everytime. Because, we don’t know how long She will stay with us. Maybe she will go today ? Tomorrow ? or Sooner ? Wallahualam. But, since majority of my classmates greet their mum for a mother’s day, I feel something. I feel that I have to do the same ! Before, I rarely wish her a mother’s day or thanked her for his kindness. But today I’m taking this golden opportunity to greet you mum.
Thank you for giving birth me, without you, Maybe I won’t see the world Insya-Allah. Thanks again for taking care of me, giving me some useful advices to burn my spirit. Without your words, I won’t continue striving to achieve my success. I know I have to repay what you did to me. But everyone know, All people cannot repay what their mums did to em’, their effort for us are too much ! Maybe some people say, “It’s easy to repay, just take her living with us till the end of her life” Oh no, that’s not enough.
First what can I do for you mum is, achieving a flying result in my examination PMR as what you have been wishing for. THANKS AGAIN MUM ! :)
Thank you for giving birth me, without you, Maybe I won’t see the world Insya-Allah. Thanks again for taking care of me, giving me some useful advices to burn my spirit. Without your words, I won’t continue striving to achieve my success. I know I have to repay what you did to me. But everyone know, All people cannot repay what their mums did to em’, their effort for us are too much ! Maybe some people say, “It’s easy to repay, just take her living with us till the end of her life” Oh no, that’s not enough.
First what can I do for you mum is, achieving a flying result in my examination PMR as what you have been wishing for. THANKS AGAIN MUM ! :)